About FIL

FOUNDATION IN LIGHT was founded for the purpose of establishing light awareness in people’s lives. It is a service oriented, non-denominational, spiritually focused entity.  It is for people with a primary focus on their own well being in body, mind, spirit, and light. They have the common good of human kind in their hearts. It is dedicated to the principles that trans-channeling light energy promotes healing and facilitates people to become more fully self-expressed and self-realized. We at the foundation guide people to attain light in their everyday lives; experiencing inner peace, joy, abundance, and tranquility. It is intended that people are acknowledged for who they are, not what they represent, know, have, claim, or do.

Spirituality is a key to experiencing light in the world. Your association with Foundation in Light is a vehicle to learn, grow, and develop spiritually. Classes, courses, and inspirational meetings are held to provide a safe environment to stretch in the light.

We are continually sharing what trans-channeling light energy is and what people can do to prepare during transitions and times of stress. Special courses are given dealing with self-improvement and self-empowerment, for nurturing the spirit and care of the being. There is a special quality and way of being that is observed in people stretching toward the light. Those associated with FIL strive to live according to the creed that life can be experienced with integrity, purpose and a sense of lightness.

Watch the new promo for our forthcoming documentary Journey of Soul – Conversations with Bryan Christopher

Projects, books and materials are in progress.  You may purchase and read BEING LIGHT:  A Guide To Living In Multidimensional Realities.

Living as a light being and assisting others in their individual quest toward the light is a mystical work. It defies explanation and is beyond understanding, yet we at Foundation in Light, for over forty-five years, continue to get the message across. It is a genuine experience with very amazing results. It is inspirational and deals with transformation as the common ground to living well. The results can never be explained away for they linger in the body, mind, and spirit. The trans-channeled information is given so that people can realize their human potential. Through consultation, inquiry and observation, shifts occur that enable people to more fully trust themselves and the source of light. This fills the human with love and energy to grow into areas of play perhaps unfamiliar before. Gaining access to these realities is what our message is all about, with people experiencing life effortlessly, abundantly, and Light-fully.

The teachings of Foundation in Light promote the peeling and releasing of the hard shell of humanness, by transforming consciousness, to allow light energy to flow freely on Earth through body. This light awareness promotes full self-realization which gives meaning to life.

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Schedule a consultation with BRYAN CHRISTOPHER

One hour is $250.00
Half-Hour is $175.00

To schedule please contact Bryan at fndinlight@aol.com