Love Beyond Conditions

To love you must:

1. Establish core values – TRUST
2. React slowly – if at all
3. Forgive quickly – no regrets
4. Keep an open heart
5. Operate as stress free as possible
6. Avoid disappointment and all expectations that create it
7. Remain open to information, new ideas and points of view
8. Be an agent for transformation
9. Eliminate fear and fear-based behavior
10. Realize that ego operates only in the physical not in spirit

You are most likely suffering from ‘compassion fatigue’ like other in tune people now. Bleeding heart energy has the effect of depression…  suggest you frame the feelings you have in the morning as ‘deep rest’. By doing so you are telling your brain that you are well and ok – just opening to new experience in a world of turmoil and chaos. Keep yourself in white light energy and let go of things that are stressful and worrisome that you can do little or nothing about.

Follow your heart – Use your head

Love alone unites, completes and fulfills us. Light energy sustains love and love sustains light energy. Music, the arts, service and integrity open us to the use of light energy.

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Schedule a consultation with BRYAN CHRISTOPHER

One hour is $250.00
Half-Hour is $175.00

To schedule please contact Bryan at